Books in French for 3-4 year olds

My younger daughter has just completed her first year at Petite Section of a French public school which welcomes children between the age of 3 and 4. I want to share some of the books in French her class has been reading this year. If you are looking for ideas on books to buy for your kids at this age in French, here are some suggestions.

Preschool books in French

Le Petit Hérisson Partageur (by Vanessa Gautier)

Hedgehog sees a very round apple: he hides to eat it quietly. But Rabbit, Squirrel then Mouse arrive, so Hedgehog agrees to share.

Un Peu Perdu (by Chris Haughton)

Baby Owl is sleeping quietly next to his mother in a nest when suddenly he falls from the nest. He finds himself down on the ground, alone and lost. But where has his mother gone? Luckily, a squirrel offers to help him find her.

Le Vent M’a Pris (by Rascal)

The wind took me… my hat, my scarf, my gloves. The wind took me… my jacket, my shoes, my shirt…

La Pomme Rouge (by Kazuo Iwamura)

Natchan has brought a nice red apple to eat but it rolls down the hill. Help! Fortunately, the rabbit, the squirrel and the bear come to help each in their own way. Phew, the apple is recovered and everyone really wants to taste it now. Wouldn’t be better to share?

Le Petit Poisson Rouge (by Éric Battut)

One morning, somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, the Little Goldfish went to carry a basket of shrimp to his sick Grandmother. But as soon as the journey began, the Little Goldfish met Compère the Shark…

Dix petites graines (by Ruth Brown)

Ten little seeds, then nine, then eight… A little boy plants ten little seeds in his garden but nature will only let one grow. The ant steals one, the pigeon pecks another, the slug swallows a shoot and the mole digs up a second one… The single flower that will reach maturity will give… ten new little seeds , to start again!

Boucle D’or Et Les Trois Ours (traditional tale)

When Goldilocks sneaks into the three bears’ cottage, it seems there’s no one home. So she helps herself to their porridge; she sits in their chairs; and she lies down in their beds. But then the bears return home from their walk! Will they catch the little girl?

Le Lion Et L’oiseau (by Marianne Dubuc)

One autumn day, a lion finds a wounded bird in his garden. With the departure of the bird’s flock, the lion decides that it’s up to him to care for the bird. He does and the two become fast friends. Nevertheless, the bird departs with his flock the following autumn. What will become of Lion and what will become of their friendship?

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